"Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." II Peter 1:20-21 English Standard Version CANON I. The Bible alone is the Final Authority for its own Data. CANON II The Old Testament text adopted as the basis of discussion is that of the Hebrew Masoretes, of the present Hebrew copies, of which the Protestant Versions are translations. CANON III. The present Hebrew Text to be firmly held to, and abandoned only where a copyist’s error is proved from the Bible itself; the correction, moreover, to be made only from the Bible itself. CANON IV. A clear Statement in one part of the Bible is to be held to against others not so clear in other parts. The light from the clear to be thrown on the obscure, rather than the obscure to darken the light. A mere difficulty is not to annul a certainty. CANON V. The Terms of the original Bible Languages are to be strictly Adhered to in Translation. Keeping specially to the Distinction between Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, and heeding the different Methods of using Chronological Terms. CANON VI. The Dictionary Meaning of the Terms used is to be strictly Adhered to, and Departed from only when the ordinary Meaning is made Impossible by other Established Facts. CANON VII. The Reconciliation of what are apparently Discrepancies in the Bible Data must be along the Lines laid down in Canons I—VI: and any attempted Harmonization on other lines stands Self-Condemned. CANON Vlll. In the Solution of Bible Difficulties that which Covers an entire Class of Cases stands as against those dealing with their individual Cases separately. The Simple Solution stands against the Complex. CANON IX. In Matters Biblical the Notions of “Unlikely, Improbable, Hard to Believe, Incredible, Inconceivable,” and their like, are not to be Entertained so as to make the Bible Statements Void. Only what is demonstrably Irrational, or declared in the Bible itself to be Impossible, is to be allowed to Call in Question Bible Statements.