Testimony by Michael Livall of Durham, UK
Beloved – by May last year I had a month to live.
We now know a coven of witches had come against me, and had used a blood sacrifice to invoke a spirit of death. Merry saw it coming to the house, and our son Marc saw it, but they did not make me aware of it. So I did not know what it was at the time, and we were praying against a spirit of infirmity.
That did not work, because it was not a spirit of infirmity – it was a spirit of death! So, in the end I had to go to hospital for major bowel surgery. I had a 7 to 8 hour operation, with complications, and they removed a large tumour, some bowel, and 27 lymph glands. Some of those lymph glands were cancerous. So, basically they removed my entire abdominal lymphatic system. Then they separated my bowel and gave me a stoma, if you know what that is.
They said I would need 6 months to recover from the operation. They also took a biopsy of the cancer they said it was very aggressive. The tumour so large and near to other tissues, it had spread to the lymph glands. Because of this, the doctors said I would need 6 or 7 months of high dose chemo, then several more months of radiation treatment. All of which might increase my chances of survival by a small percentage (10% I think was quoted). However, that treatment would harm my body in many ways, destroy my immune system, and probably have long term and permanent side effects.
The stay in hospital was more terrible than anything I could have possibly imagined, but not as bad as being ill and in pain, I was in a deep dark hole of depression – I’d pretty much lost the will to live, and there was nothing I could do about it. When I finally got home the problems were not over by a long way. I could not do much, not even hold a guitar – which is a major issue for me!
However, I started getting involved in online healing and deliverance ministry. We have also started a monthly worship session (Merry called it ‘Refresh’) where we invite folks to come to worship with us, and after worship we minister to anyone who needs prayer. The mother of one of my former guitar pupils came to the last session and accepted Christ. Now he is growing in the faith. I also go to an open public worship night, with food, in the back room of a church. There we play and offer people prayer. A lady was delivered from some demonic problems last time. I am online, usually twice a day, praying with folks from all over the world. We minister healing and address whatever problems they have with some great results.
So hey, it seems God is using all this bad stuff, and turning it into something good! Meanwhile, I have had a lot of prophetic words about what to do, and I have refused any kind of chemo or radiotherapy. That s because God said “put yourself in my hands – man’s hand hurts, my hand heals” I have been standing in faith for that, even though it is a bit scary and agoraphobic to refuse treatment against doctors advice.
Of course the next step is getting rid of the stoma, and we would like that to be done supernaturally – I do not want another major operation; but I’m also allowing the medical folks to do investigations to see if that is possible, if there has been proper healing, and if all is well.
A few weeks back I went to Durham and they put some liquid in my bowel and x-rayed it to see if it was leaking – it was not – it was completely healed, with no leaks. Another problem is, if your bowel is dormant, you can lose muscle tone, Then when they reconnect your colon, there may be problems getting it working again. So, you are supposed to do exercises – which I have not bothered doing for the past 10 months. Merry, quite rightly, was not happy with me for ignoring what is usually very good medical advice. However, I went to our local hospital very recently for an endoscope exam. My consultant surgeon did it and he said (thumbs up) “Awesome, healed, no cancer!” He even made a note on the exam report that I had excellent muscle tone. I didn’t tell him I had not been doing the exercises, so thanks to God for the good results!
So, the final stage of these investigations was last week – they wanted blood tests to see if the cancer had returned or spread (metastasized) and I’ve been waiting for the results. Keep in mind it was an aggressive cancer, and I have declined chemo and radiotherapy. Nor dd I have treatment of any other kind to follow up the operation, and that is always a concern. Also, a previous blood test showed elevated PSA levels, above the danger level for prostate cancer. My doctors naturally wanted biopsies and investigations. I again refused these because before the operation my PSA level was very low, especially for a guy my age, Besides that, I have put myself in the hands of the Great Physician. I also have wonderful prayer partners, and the Lord is my healer.
So I’ve awaited the blood test results, with very little faith, I’m ashamed to say. They were looking at many things, and especially at CEA levels (cancer markers).If you have high CEA, you have got a big tumour. However, if your CEA is low then it is small, or maybe just shows some of the cancer cells have metastasized and are taking root elsewhere. A no CEA reading means you are well, and there are no cancer cells in your body. Honesty compels me to admit I was not confident about the results, and I had already considered what to do in the event of a bad report – as the Lord would say, ‘O ye of little faith.’
Of course it’s not over ’till God says it’s over, I know that. But I have been praising God all day because this morning I got a message from the Colorectal Cancer Care coordinator. She said, “Your bloods are all back, and are OK.” No CEA, I am cancer free, and I declare I am cancer proof – glory to God! I am now 76, and I believe I am going to have a long and productive life serving God, and I declare, “I will not die but live, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord, for the Lord is the strength of my life, and by His wounds Christ Jesus makes me whole.” (Psalm 118:17) Thanks, blessings, and love to you, my dear prayer partners – God is good – all the glory to Him.
Testimony by Fouad Farid, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
First Testimony:
Four weeks ago I had a very hard fall in the parking lot, due to icy road conditions. It is only by God’s grace that I did not have any broken bones or even a fracture. However, every inch in my back and both sides were hurting greatly. On the next day, I asked brother Michael to pray for the severe pain that I was experiencing. Just after the prayer, I immediately felt about 85 to 90 % improvement in all my back and only both sides were hurting to a lesser degree. The pain that was localized in my sides started to taper off gradually and totally disappeared within two weeks.
Second Testimony”
Last week I started to feel pain in my thighs and knees whenever I go to bed. The pain was piercing, continuous, and moving from a spot to another, i.e. it was not localized. After having this weird kind of pain for three nights, I asked brother Michael to pray for me. I told him (that) I feel that this pain is not due to a physical condition, but due to a spiritual one. Praise the Lord this pain totally disappeared and did not come back.