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$0.00 — available on subscriptionThe House of Yefeth does not charge for healing or deliverance ministry or electronic literature. Printed literature is sold at cost to make it as available to the public as possible. This is to honor the Scripture:
Heal sick ones, cleanse lepers, raise dead ones, cast out demons. You freely received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 LITV
Neither do we solicit donations. However because some readers have asked how to donate, we provide this page for free will donations to support this ministry and do good works. We assure donors that all funds donated will be stewarded per Scriptural principles. This is not a 501 C3 or other registered non-profit. So donations here are not tax deductible. Thank you for your support, and especially your prayers.
Healing Ministry Sessions
These are free, open group sessions for healing ministry.
Prior appointment is not required, but participants checking in more than 5 minutes late may not be admitted due to the tight scheduling of these sessions and the potential for disruptions and delays. Please test your equipment beforehand to minimize delays, disruptions and other disappointments.
Let’s Talk About Breaking Promises
$0.00 – $25.00This is a bilingual Polish-English edition of renowned children’s author, Joy Berry. Completely re-illustrated in the Polish style, this book explores the importance of keeping promises. It not only teaches young reader important ethics and practices related to keeping promises, but helps teach the respective languages.
$0.00This is a Christian allegory about the route to salvation by faith in Christ told from the point of view of a young man, Peregrine. His journeys in search of the King of Kings and His great kingdom takes Peregrine on a wandering journey through many lands peopled by different groups. These lands and people represent the diverse religions, philosophies and traditions of the world around us. The triumphs and tribulations of the main character goes through illustrate contrast between the straight and narrow but safe and prosperous way of the gospel, and the broad and meandering, risky and detrimental way of the world.
Praying Effectively for the Lost – by Lee E. Thomas
$0.00A practical, scripture based manual on how to pray effectively for the salvation of the lost.
The Ultimate Question
Rated 5.00 out of 5$0.00 – $20.00This is the true story of a unique Near Death Experience. Although a professing Christian, the author found himself going to hell. The main story describes how he escaped the demons sent to capture him, invoked Christ to save him, and was able to return to this life. During this singular event, the author was given the opportunity to learn the answers to all questions, and in the process learned the Ultimate Question and how to answer it. The NDE narrative is interwoven with the story of how the author also came to be a Christian and grew in the faith and practice. Importantly, this other narrative describes how multiple difficult issues regarding the faith were resolved along the way.