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Will there be more editions of “Peregrine”? – Peregrine is the first part of a trilogy.  The second book will be “Herald.”  This is about Peregrine’s adventures in retracing his journey and telling those he meets about the King’s Son.  The third book will be “Conqueror.”  This is about the return of the King’s Son to establish his reign and Peregrine’s role in it.

Will there be more foreign language editions of “Let’s Talk About…” – this is something I want to do, but depends on further cooperation with the author.

What is your writing process – I write for a variety of reasons.  First, I write for the organizations I belong to in my official capacity.  In that case I gather information, take notes, get quotes, take pictures, obtain any printed material I can about the subject, and then set it as idle for a day or two to “digest” the material.  Then I clear my agenda of all distractions and write until a draft is done.  Then I send it to one or more people for review. When they reply, I make any necessary changes or corrections and submit to the appropriate media contact.

Second, when I feel inspired by God, I will pray about the matter. If the inspiration is confirmed either to me, or to someone I respect for their relationship with Him, then I begin to acquaint myself with the relevant scriptures and facts from other sources, become acquainted with the audience and test the subject in my own life. When a rough draft is ready, I send it to a variety of people for their review and feedback. I pray some more and use the feedback to fine tune the draft into a finished work. Then I put it away for as long as I can, and reread the manuscript, often aloud for a final check.

How do you research your books – I begin with the scriptures. From that source I develop the framework, purpose and goal of my writing. I also try to read the best examples extant on similar subjects, ideally from several authors. If available, I try to talk about the subject matter with some knowledgeable, experienced people. Naturally I also scan the Internet to see what’s current there too, especially in the news or the relevant genre. Once I feel I’m at least conversant on a given subject, I spend a fair amount of time toying with the idea in my imagination, trying a variety of approaches to experiencing the subject. If possible, I try to experience the subject firsthand.

Will you be touring – At present I am quite busy with my regular job, family friends and hobbies.  However, should the right occasion arise I am open to this possibility. Currently no tours are scheduled.

What’s your next project – Publishing a deliverance manual, “Deliverance and Sanctification.” This is a practical, systematic approach to removing curses and exorcising demons.

Will you sign books – gladly, time and circumstance permitting.

Can I write to you – anyone can write, the mailing address is on the contact page.  Depending on the nature of the correspondence I reserve the right to respond accordingly. I prefer real mail over e-mail.  Since I do truly like getting real letters. a brief, well written and thoughtful letter has the greatest likelihood of a reply. A short, tightly written e-mail is not a bad approach either; but it can easily get lost in the torrent of regular e-mail I receive. My schedule is very full, and I do like to think on my correspondence a bit, so do not automatically presume a lengthy delay in replying is either rejection or negligence.

How did you get started in writing – My mother was an English teacher for much of her career and my father published a respectable body of scientific papers.  My great uncle was an accomplished WWII correspondent. Most of my family members have studied several languages. So, good communication, and especially good writing, run in the family. I also had several inspiring English teachers in my primary and undergraduate education. I genuinely enjoy writing and am really thrilled when others appreciate my work. I have kept a journal most of my life from boyhood too.  Words fascinate me. I can relax with a good dictionary and just enjoy learning new words or new ways to use familiar words. It’s a gift from God. However, a good deal of further development was necessary to turn the gift into a mature talent.