In the online healing ministry I host, I meet people from all over the inhabited world. Therefore, I encounter Christians with a broad spectrum of beliefs. One of the more questionable examples came up in a discussion on how to know the Lord’s will.
A nice, polite couple from the Czech Republic explained to me that they discerned the will of the Lord regarding which direction to take by whether or not there was any difficulty involved in the respective choices. They presume the Lord’s will always prevails, so any hindrance, to them, indicates it is not His will to undertake a particular opportunity.
KZ has repeatedly taught that the body of Christ is engaged in a war and when we discern the will of the Lord we must fight for that with everything we have. We may presume the Lord provides everything necessary for the battle, but we must still fight to victory. In my experience the right way is often the most difficult. Choosing the easiest path has proved wrong in most cases for me.
I advised this dear couple that the enemy classically attacks us where He knows we will benefit most by advancing and defends where he is most vulnerable. Both situations should be hit hard and frequently until victory is complete. I do not know if they took this advice, but I hope you will.